You ever get so wrapped up in something that you lose track of time, or just don’t care about time at all?

I stayed up late last night to complete draft 3. I was in a tense point in the story and just couldn’t stop. One of the things that draws me to writing so much is that sometimes I find it hard to believe that I’ve written what I have. The last time I read the end of my story was four months ago; I loved it even more this time around.
I tied up a lot of loose ends. Now it’s time for those close to me to read the story and tell me what they think. There are, frankly, a couple parts that are totally messed up (think blood and bodily fluids – no, If I Let You Go is not torture porn) and I’m anxious about what people will think of them. Thus far no one has viewed these scenes negatively. They play roles in characters’ transformations.
While my friends and family are taking their time reading it – and really, three days is too long to me when I’m waiting on their opinions – I’ve got some work to do…
1.) How do I format this thing?
A cover designer needs to know how many pages are in it so they can get the spine right. I need to know for both paperback and hardcover since their book covers will be slightly different.
But if my book isn’t edited to finality, how can I nail a solid page count down? I’m sure I’ll have some minor tweaks to make.
I also need to format for eBooks, potentially in multiple formats. I’m sensing a task that I think should be easy that will wind up giving me headaches.
2.) I need to write up marketing/cover text.
This includes jacket text if I do a hardcover book, so I’ll need a bio and a nice picture. I need a nice picture for Amazon no matter what I do. My Twitter picture is still of me at 22 or so. I’m not good with updating photos.
At minimum, I need to write up a rock solid description of the book. It’ll be used on Amazon among other places, and it’s what’s going to make readers want to buy the book, so it’s important.
3.) I’d like to come up with a list of people to ask for blurbs.
They’re welcome to receive an ARC (advanced reading copy) so they know what they’re putting their stamp on. I’m sure that if I ask Stephen King or James Patterson they’ll tell me to pound sand, but another indie will give me a chance.
4.) Contact cover designers.
Get quotes. Possibly sob at the cost. Or maybe not!
5.) Contact bloggers review the book based on an ARC, or just do an interview about writing in general. I’m not an established name, but I think I can reach some indie bloggers. I’d also like to start asking people to guest post on this blog, so keep an eye on your Twitter feeds, my friends!
6.) I should probably create a Facebook page.
Grumble grumble, huff huff. Someone else can write my Wikipedia page someday. Just don’t tell anyone I was born in East Rumphump, Massachusetts.
I’m sure there’s a lot more I need to do. Looking back to December, I wanted this edit done in January. I didn’t realize how difficult it is to work full-time, have a healthy life, and manage an intense revision. This edit took four months.
There’s going to be some dead space in my schedule between organizing the above. I’m already mapping out my next story in my head. It’s going to be a lot different, but I won’t say much about it just yet. I will be trying out the Snowflake Method. I’ll let you know if it helps me!
Before I get into outlining, though, I’m going to finish reading Justin Cronin’s The Twelve and possibly another book. It’s not a bad thing to wipe the slate clean and read someone else’s work for a change. I’v
e missed reading, and reading more makes you a better writer.
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